Wednesday 18 January 2012


I was just listening to Taylor Swift's 'Fearless' songs, and thought about how it was such an awesome song name, so I started to make up some even more awesome names for songs or bands:
Frog Legs
Inevitably Inferior
Igloo Burglars
Sarcastic Superior
Religion Makers
Awkward Album
Penguin Paradise
Visible Thoughts
Pent-up Voices
Useless Ideas
Indecisive Weather
Hoping for faith
Citizen of Heaven
Expectations of a Pessimist
...Ok, I have to admit this post is more of me mixing words that sound cool together - but I love the last one, and IGLOO BURGLARS?! I thought that was pretty ingenious :P - so I'll try and hold back the next time I decide to make no sense :P


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i like useless ideas and igloo burglars hehehehe

  3. im a bit confused bout igloo burlars

  4. Thanks Nathan :P And Laura; generally people who live an igloo don't particularly have a.) surrounding neighbors to burgle them and b.) items of worth
    It's funny, my mum's still laughing about it like half an hour after.
