Tuesday 7 August 2012

We have ferrets!

So we got Willow and Stix today at seven and they're in their temporarily separate cages at the moment. I do not trust Stix AT ALL, but Willow is a sweetheart and seems to behave completely different to the normal ferret. He rolls on his back and stares at you when he's upside down and answers to his name (which is why I don't think we'll be renaming him) and play's with Mr. Stix loads. So there's only one name to think up to go with Willow's. So far I like 'Kenai' for Mr. Stix. I'll be taking more pictures of the two of them tomorrow as they look quite different to the pictures in previous posts - Mr. Stix has darker polecat markings, is prettier yet a lot smaller than I imagined (for a male he's tiny), and Willow has had a haircut on his yellow 'teenage' fur, but still has long fur on his back legs as it wasn't ready to come off yet.

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