Tuesday 10 April 2012

Random as can be

I LOVE the Hunger Games! I saw the film last week and finished the three books in under a week. I'm definitely Team Peeta, though at first it was pretty even until Gale became more detached from Katniss. I would even go as far to say the books and film are better than the Twilight Saga. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about...well, nevermind.)
Moving topic because I'm just not in that committed mood today, I've been thinking about how some people associate things like colours and numbers to routine things like days of the week. I recently heard of a man - who I can't recall the name of - who used to see different notes in music as different colours, and claimed he could see these colours emitted off of the musical instrument even when he went deaf. Here's a list of what I associate different colours to (in no particular order):
Purple - Luxury, thunderclouds, Thursdays, a 'heavy' feeling
Green - Sundays, writing, health, relief/calmness
Orange - Warmth, autumn, energy, Saturdays
White - Snow, winter, purity, sleep
Blue - Artificial products, 'gloom', Mondays
Pink - uncontrollable circumstances (especially 'hot pink'), annoyance, icky tracksuits, Tuesdays
Yellow - energy, electric, adrenaline, Fridays

I'm going to leave it at that now (loss of commitment, as said previously), so I'm just going to add a bunch of funny pictures I found over the internet for your entertainment.

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