Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Hunger Games

So I've began reading this book called hunger games last night and am up to page 170, and I love it already. I'm not going to give any spoilers for your sake, but I will recommend it highly. As many of you shall know, the film is out in the cinema now (which I have only seen the trailer for) and it has Jennifer Lawrence in it who has been in many films I like, best of all X-men First Class, playing Katniss, the main character. Josh Hutchinson (from Bridge to Terribethia, one of my favourite films, and, ironically, Cirque Du Freak, which is one of my worst films, though he was still the best character in it) is also playing one of the main characters in it, playing Peeta Mellark.
Also, my favourite singer, Taylor Swift, made a song for the soundtrack - also on this blog - which I love.


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